Monday, October 8, 2007

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

I would like to take this time to thank everyone for reading my blog. I’m sure that you all are here because you are genuinely interested in my thoughts on the book, and not because you are required to read this. Now that the introduction is out of the way, we can move on to my thoughts from the first chapter. I really enjoyed reading this chapter and it definitely got me excited for the rest of the book. The example about the Swiss bank account got me to thinking how easy it can be to trick some people. I fully expected this book to be about internet hacking and was surprised to read about the “social engineering” aspect behind these crimes.

Mitnick made a good point by saying that a security system is only as effective as the people running it. It was interesting to see that you can get around a state of the art security system by just tricking one person. You don’t need a PhD in computer science or years of hacking experience to pull off a big scam, just some good acting. Reading this book makes pulling off these scams sound so easy that it is pretty tempting. However I assume that if every detail of the scam is written about in this book, that the person behind it must have gotten caught. After reading the first chapter I will defiantly be more suspicious of those around me!


smh04 said...

The book does make it sound really easy to pull off these scams. It makes it sound pretty tempting to see if I just might be smart enough to pull something of that nature off. Not a bank heist of $8 million of course, that would be illegal, but to see if I could "socially engineer" someone. As you've pointed out though, if it's in the book they've probably been caught. In addition, measures have probably been taken by the appropriate parties to make sure that the same thing doesn't happen again.

J-Hey! said...

I like that you acknowledged that you don't need a PhD in computer science to pull it off. We hear all the time on TV about teenagers hacking in to different corporations, or creating viruses that cause lots of harm all over the world.