Sunday, November 25, 2007

Chapter 10

This chapter was pretty interesting because it started off with an example that didn’t immediately involve a phone call! The example of the teenagers who snuck into the helicopter plant was pretty interesting although I would personally never take that risk just to “see if I could do it.” I guess that is what separates the social engineer from the normal person. These social engineers seem to take pride in what they do and that is probably why they are so good at it. As I read on I also found the dumpster diving example to be interesting and honestly something that I had never thought of before.

Usually when you see someone digging through trash you figure that they are homeless and trying to find some food/clothes. Typically you do not think that the person wading through your trash could be looking for information that could be quite valuable. I never knew that the FBI also used this technique to take down some pretty high profile criminals In the past. This example makes a paper shredder seem like a rather inexpensive preemptive measure that a business can take in protecting their information. You never know who will take a dive in the dumpster for some info!

1 comment:

J-Hey! said...

The teenagers sneaking into the helicopter facility got me too. Why would you do something which such high risk, just to see if you could? It's not like there was any true benefit other than an adrenaline rush. Maybe this is where super hackers like Mitnick get their start. Kind of like how serial killers start out killing small animals and work their way up...