Monday, October 8, 2007

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

This chapter was interesting because it showed how information can be viewed as pieces to a puzzle. Pieces of information that may seem harmless by themselves can become significant when paired with other pieces of information. This really got me to think about all of the “useless” information that I give out on a daily basis. (phone numbers, e-mail, address, etc) To the right person all of this information can be compiled to do some harm to myself or the company that I work for. Another act that I have been guilty of in the past, is trying to help fellow co-workers in the office. The office environment breeds teamwork and an “us vs. them” type of attitude. For example when I worked in a restaurant one summer, we would go out of our way to help fellow waiters who were busy and struggling. This type of behavior is only natural and this chapter showed how it can be taken advantage of.

The examples in this chapter showed how impostors who knew some very basic office “lingo” were able to get restricted information from employees who were wishing to help them out. The main point that I took home was that as a manager you have to appreciate teamwork amongst employees ,but you also have to educate them on how people might not always be who they seem over the phone.

1 comment:

jpthe1manparty said...

I agree, when taking a step back the amount of "useless" information that we are willing to give up is astounding. Maybe we just live in a world where we have too much identity information. By the way great picture on the blog!!!