Sunday, November 25, 2007

Chapter 9

I want to point out that I agree with a post Jenna made in her blog about the novel starting to get a bit repetitive. We’ve read scam after scam and after a while it gets a little boring. Anyways enough complaining, on to the review.

I feel that some of the wording in this chapter is misleading. This chapter talked about “cops as dupes” basically illustrating how the social engineer would easily “scam” police officers. To make a long story short the social engineer manipulated the DMV’s phone lines so calls from the police would go to the social engineer’s cell phone, rather than the DMV. When the social engineer would pick up he would say “DMV how may I help you?” I don’t think it’s fair to say the cops got tricked. I mean how are they supposed to know the DMV number they dialed actually went to someone pretending to be a DMV agent? This scam is impossible to detect and in my opinion the police are doing nothing wrong. Imagine if you called pizza hut, they answered, took your order, then you gave them your credit card number. Would you be considered irresponsible if someone manipulated the phone lines? I think not! Anyways it’ a good scam but to say “cops as dupes” is misleading.

1 comment:

smh04 said...

I agree, it would be impossible for the police to know that they weren't really talking to the DMV. Unless the social engineer didn't do his homework and answered incorrectly, there would be know way of knowing. I'm glad I don't call in my pizza orders!